Saturday, August 18, 2007

Some stuff

Here is the link to Jakes blog, where he has posted some pic from last weekend

This weekend i'm in Auckland btw, for the first weekend in 2 months!! Trying to finish my assignments before the midsemester break that starts next friday. Funny that next week is my last week before the break, and the first week of the new semester for you guys back home :)

The semesterbreak is already kind of planed (ferry tickets over cook strait bought). Me, Owen, Jake, Kristin and Ingrid are takeing Owens car and are going to drive down to Arthurs pass near Christchurch, where we will meet up with Stafanie and Stefan. And then we are planing on climbing!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Sunday, August 12, 2007

I'm a kayak, hear me roar!

For everybody that have heard me and Lisa talking about beeing a kayak and seen our comments on skype and msn and facebook and been wondering what it means: Here is the scene from Gilmore Girls it's from! (big credit to Lisa that managed to get it on You Tube! Good kayak!)

And as a comment to Lisas comment to the Pinapple joke: No, Lisa, not unfair, I think people understand the joke well enough to not want to know what it is about :)

Monday, August 6, 2007


Marty does not have anything to do with the pinnaples on the blogpost furher down (that one was for Lisa, Carmen, Heike and Aurelie! :)

And to something else, I love comments on the posts!