Thursday, January 24, 2008

Koietur to Telin

Here back in Norway the school is well started and everything is normal again. My papers are actually really good, and the afternoons goes with climbing, cross country skiing, jogging and such. The first weekend back in Trondheim was used to go to a Telemark course with the uni Ski and Mountain club. This was absolutly awsome! I managed the turns quite well in the end, and no longer feel so klumsy with downhill skies. Unfortunatly I have no pictures, since I was to busy skiing :)

The last weekend I went on koie (small cabins the uni sport club has) trip with Kine Sofie, Line, Katja and Nina. We had a really nice trip, even though the weather on saturday was a bit against us and got almost snow stormish and misty so we didnt manage to get to the mountain we wanted. Instead we had to go back to the Koie and we used the rest of the day and evening on cardplaying, singing (we got through almost all the songs we knew in the songbook!), eating gourmet food and drinking wine and bailyes. Sunday the weather was a lot better, and we spent it playing in the snow, before we went home. All in all, a really good trip!

Nina in the nice weather.... We kind of decided to turn around about here...

Singing, drinking wine and eating choclate mousse :)

The cabin Telin and the area around.


The wind was so strong on saturday the the door almost blew of, the upper part is now loose... But look how cosy the cabin is!

Some pictures of me taken by Line. More pics on her blog,

A really elegant fall by me.... To my defence, we tried to find a really steep hill and fall as much as possible in the nice soft snow :)

Saturday, January 5, 2008


One last patriotic picture from Mo i Rana:

Sigrid and Sindre on the way up on a tele skiing trip, Mo i Rana in the background. You see the end of the Rana fjord where the Rana river comes out, this is where the town is.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

New years eve

New year eve on Lovund was a big suksess, some key words:
  • Perfect Turkey (actually first time ever I tasted Turkey, and its really nice!)
  • Absolutly awsomely beutifull nature and weather
  • Polar light!
  • Crazy drunken cigarsmoking people with way to much firework...
  • Party in an old barn with country music (Lovund is kind of rural:)
  • And of course, really nice people!!

First picture in the new year, birgitte, anne katrine and me


Anyone wants to belay me here when it gets warmer? Probably never been climed, solid rock and looks like good protection, and comes with the view bellow and midnightsun :)

So now we are well into the new year, and it looks like its gonna be just as good as the last one! On monday uni starts in Trondheim, and on sunday i'm driving down and moving into my new room. This time i luckely don't have to drive alone, Anders is coming with me, which makes a lot nicer drive but is gonna be interesting to see if we can fit 7 pair of skies, snowboard, paraglider, kite, crash pad and all the other stuff into my tiny car, but with the training from the first South Island trip it should work! :)