Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I have a plan for my life! (or at least for the next three years or something...)

I got accepted into grad school! I signed my contract today, I am going to do a phd in modeling of fracture... Gonna be fun! :) (yea, I know, it's geeky.... I'm officially beyond hope)

Financial cricis and grad school enrollment...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


A new summer job add for SINTEF applied mechanics and corrosion is out. Espesially I like this part:

We appreciate if you were enthusiastic, creative, curious, offensive, attentive, sensitive, infinitive, musical/unmusical, positive, adventurous, a bit crazy, and a dedicated fan of Brunkeberg, Gryllefjord, Innset, Kåfjordkameratene or Odd, whether it is football, hang gliding, biking, swimming, drowning or mountain climbing.

And ofcours this year it is with another story/poem by my supervicor Erling (yes, I know, it's awsomly geeky!):

Thy King said:
”Thou shallt not fracture under strain and hardship”
Thy Arctic Knight rides in shining armour
Thy steel glimmers in the moonlit sky

But the villain speaks of eldritch intentions
“Thy armour will crumble, it welds will yield”
Thy Knight crashes on ice paved ground

Thy armour ruptured, his soul broken
Thy fracture surface lies bare and naked
Telling tall tales of fate and misfortune

His last words uttered:
“Damn those evil MA-phases. I thought I was above the ductile-to-brittle transition temperature”

Thy King addresses his court of Lords:
“Good men, thy council has spoken, we crave for steels much better. Summon the masters of the trade. Thy villain will never find shelter again”

- Sire Erling Østby -


MA-phases = brittle phases initianting fracture
Ductile-to-brittle transition = the temprature above where the material starts deforming before fracturing and we therefor avoid brittle fracture

Sunday, March 8, 2009


I kind of always wished that I would be so good in something it would make me just a little bit famous, not to much ofcourse, just a little. And now it seems like my climbing has taking me somewhere! In a way....

Coach course - Show what you can! Mari sitting in the rafter, I'm hanging upside down and Kristin spotting.... From the 50 years anniversary of the NTNUI climbing club in the student cabin (and yes, this poster is hanging around at uni...)

Actually it also turns out me, Kristin and Jake made it to a climbing blog about Yosemite this summer. This time, not for our great climbing either....