Wednesday, September 23, 2009


After two awsome weeks of trad climbing in Arapilies and Grampions we are now back in the Blue Montains. The weather is however horrible, with a LOT of wind.... I had no idea Australia was this windy... Peole ask me what we do over here, and its not really much to tell... We slep (a lot), then we eat (also a lot) and then we climb a little and hand out around the campfire (eating some more) and knit (we have started Arapilies knitting club...). So to anyone claiming Vibeke aleways stresses, she dont :) Because of this my blog do not really consist of much except climbing photos... Lisa once told me she didnt know anyone else who had traveled so much, and seen so little :)

I must however tell I have lost my phone (litterally). It fell down a multipich climb called Skink, and I could only find the batteri (smashed) on the deck underneath. So if anyone have sent me sms or anything like it and I didnt answer, no worries, I still like you, I just couldnt answer :) So to get in tuch with me, email is probably the only way....

Arapiles!!! It looks like a pile of choss, but its awsome!!

Campfire birthday party!

Vibke making brownies on the fire for my birthday.
Joris, Kayla and Katja made this beutifull birthday decoration :) Notice the carabiners :)

Me bouldering (trying to boulder) Woody (V4) which is a tree.... Climbers are wierd... Vibeke on the crux of Skink (18). (I fell here) I am actually belaying her from a hanging belay, not a fan... I did not only loose my phone on skink, I also fell myself... Pink is Vibeke belaying, blue me before falling and green after.. My first proper long fall on trad! Scary, but my pice held! This is also where my phone fell, it did however not have a rope like me. Vibeke making the rapell ready Me on Tannin (19), my favourite at Arapiles!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Arapilies and Grampions

We are still alive and we are still hanging put in the area around Arapiles and Grampions, it is still the coolest place ever, and we do very little except eating, sleeping and climbing :)

Me leading my first 18 on trad, Walking on the moon, a wierd crack? chimney overhanging slab thing.. :) Awsome!

Friday, September 11, 2009


We are now in Arapiles (or Araps) Which basically is just totally awsome. Imagine solid rock and trad climbing with perfect placements. Add some wierd moves and good exposure and lot of really nice people and you got it :) Perfect!
Vibeke on Agamemnon (11) chimney

Vibeke seconding a pitch of Bard (14) consisting of 5 piches including a wierd traverse and some awsome exposure.

Araps from Bard

Some of the people we met on the local pub i Natimuk eating dinner. Me, Dave, Joris, peruian guy, Maria and Thy. I have no excuse if I climb bad anymore, Dave has no fingers on one hand and Thy is 1.50 and both climb WAY harder than me....

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Nowra and Arapiles

We spent 5 days in Nowra, before driving down to Melbourne. After bying climbing guides in Melbourne we drove on north west to a place calles Arapiles. Which is totally the coolest place ever! It has the best trad climbing I have ever seen!

By the way, I saw Hanna Montana on the plane. I kind of like the song :) (well, I should, its called the Climb)

I can almost see it
That dream I am dreaming
But there's a voice inside my head saying
"You'll never reach it"
Every step I'm taking
Every move I make feels
Lost with no direction
My faith is shaking
But I gotta keep trying
Gotta keep my head held high
There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be a uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waiting on the other side
It's the climb

A kangoroo in Arapiles

Vibeke excited about Arapiles

Point Perpendicular, sea cliff trad climbing, awsome views!


Dinner in Nowra.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bluies and Nowra

I am now finally completly well again, and we have started to really get in some climbing! We went to the blue mountains (the bluies) after driving down the coast from brisbane. The area was completly awsome! However, it was damn coold and extremly windy.... We spent two days there before desciding that we maybe rather should return there in some weeks when it hopefully is better temperature :)

So we rather drowe down to Nowra south of Sydney. Which is really nice, temprature and sport climbing.

The plan next seems to get down to Melbourne and climb at Grampions and Arapilies.

(Unfortunatly I havent got to much time to update my blog in the libary in Nowra, so the pictures are not cronalogical and I didnt mange to turn them... Sorry about that!)

Vibeke on a climb in Nowra
A German guy we met i Nowra, Christian. On a really nice 20.

Blue mountains

Me and the blue mountains. Look at my pretty new and very varm hat! :)

Me and Vibeke and sunset over Nowra

Kangoroo in South West Rock along the cost.

Me, Vibeke and the bluies

Some american dudes (walker and brian from ohio) we met in the bluies and Vibeke. (They where very proud of their flanel shirts :)