Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Every year in the end of april 3 to 4 busses with happy students leaves Trondheim early early friday morning to drive far into Sweden in many many hours just so that they can participate in the famous orienteering relay Tiomila. This year it was at Rosenberg castle just outside Stockholm, and almost 150 joined! We might not win the relay, but we do win making most fun! We have our own light boards, a tower, laudspeakers, a band (with among others accordion), bbq wagon and we march in with the band playing and singing. In other words, quite a special experience.

And as I mentioned we did not win the relay, but we did win having most teams, and we got the last place in at least the mens relay, the FysMat(physics and math enigneering) team who in total used 19:22:04, which is just impressive :) The relay is 100 km in total , obviously due to the name 10 mila (one scandinavian mile is 10 km) and it starts at 10 in the evening, which means parts of it is in the dark (for the men, women have shorter and at day). The most famous leg is the socalled long night, which is around 18 km in the middle of the night. We participate with a number serious teams, and also with teams from differents studies or different other NTNUI groups. The coolest are ISU team (International students), most of them have never run orienteering and just do it as an awsome way to experience scandinavia.

I ran on NTNUI 2, which I was quite nervous about before start, since I did not feel I had ran enough orienteering last year in NZ to get on the second team, but I managed to get trough without getting lost and in a reasonable speed, and my team ended as 117 out of 320, which I most say is not bad at all! I also desided to run the men realy, and got 6th leg on the civil engineering team 6th leg is early in the morning and I got out running around 7 am, it was a lot of fun, but I did use 2 houres...

Well, all in all this was a great weekend, orienteering is fun!


Matilde, Sigrid and Anette in Sundsvall on the way down

On the way down we always stop in a town (this year Sundsvall) and practise marching in and playing and singing. We marched passed some elders demonstrating for lower taxes, and asked if we could perform on their stage, this was a huge sucess :)
Rosenberg castle and a lot of people whaching the relay
Marching in! :)

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Thalehelg or One weekend with Thale

  • Sometimes it is boring when you really want to climb and also would really like to hang out with your friends. Easy solution: just convince/force them to start climbing :) Gudrun and Thale tried for the first time this weekend. They was just told they were going climbing and had to show up and was given shoes and harnesses. But I do think they enyojed it. Hege have tried before and seems to getting hooked and is getting really good, and can now both belay and climb to the top every time! I’m proud :) Pics and more details, see Heges blogg!
  • It is really fun to be drunk, cold, chynical and bitter some times. We didn't really manage the cold and bitter part though, even when we tried...
  • The best time to be at uni is in the middle of the night on the way home from town because then you can play piano and sing loud in the science building and climb on the architect students art without people getting mad at you.
  • Even though it sound like a good idea to take the buss nr 5 (the city buss which goes from the campus Dragvoll through the sudent villages and campus Gløshaugen and down to the town, and then continous to a mysterious place called Buenget where noone goes) all the way to the end station Buenget just to see what is there, and bring lunch and coffe on a thermos to enjoy on the bus, it might not be if you are too hangover... We had to abandon the mission with the positiv result that we could take a break and have lunch and coffe while walking home.
  • We discovered Benriks "This diary will change your life". The best part was the Lifeplanner, which follows underneath :)

Thale having lunch and coffe on the way home.

0. Make your birth unforgettable
1. Learn to babble incoherently
2. Master your bodily functions
3. Become sexually attracted to your Mummy or Daddy
4. Attempt to murder your younger siblings Sigrid might agree with this one...
5. Make your first friends
6. Make your first enemies
7. Ask adults stupid questions
8. Let TV start controlling your mind
9. Pester your parents for unaffordable consumer goods
10. Decide what you want to be when you grow up
11. Develop a crush on your teacher
12. Wrestle with your hormones
13. Go from loving to hating your parents
14. Investigate the other sex
15. Rebel against society
16. Start a band
17. Lose your virginity
18. Officially become an adult
19. Acquire a higher education
20. Find yourself I think I might still be lost...
21. Drink legally
22. Conquer the world Check!
23. Sleep around
24. Waste this year Looking forward to this one!
25. Have a quarterlife crisis
26. Start working for the man
27. Meet the love of your life
28. Get hitched
29. Get a mortgage
30. Procreate
31. Make a doomed attempt to stay in shape
32. Turn into a workaholic
33. Live the nuclear family dream
34. Write the novel that is in you
35. Scratch your seven-year itch
36. Burden your kids with unreasonable expectations
37. Have an early midlife crisis
38. Climb the career ladder
39. Deny your age
40. Grow up I love that I still have several years!!! :D
41. Begin therapy
42. Move to the suburbs
43. Join the swinging scene
44. Enjoy the finer things in life
45. Adopt a third world orphan
46. Divorce messily
47. Abandon the American Dream
48. Fight the flab
49. Be abducted by aliens
50. Become right-wing
51. Go through the menopause
52. Swim with dolphins
53. Develop an unhealthy addiction to golf
54. Join Alcoholics Anonymous
55. Put your parents in a home
56. Have plastic surgery
57. Marry off your children
58. Turn into your parents
59. Win the rat race
60. Become grumpy
61. Undergo a spiritual rebirth
62. Do prescription drugs
63. Run for office
64. See your past catch up with you
65. Retire at last
66. Go on a cruise
67. Compose your autobiography
68. Move to Florida
69. Go back to work
70. Join the elderly
71. Spoil your grandchildren
72. Record your memories while you still can
73. Count your blessings
74. Age disgracefully
75. Have a threequarterlife crisis
76. Remarry
77. Preplan your funeral
78. Reunite your rock band
79. Talk about the war
80. Risk it all
81. Fight back against ageism
82. Start a collection of something pointless
83. Disinherit your undeserving relatives
84. Discuss nothing but your diseases
85. Wander the world in search of enlightment
86. Make peace with God
87. Make peace with Satan too
88. Run for pope
89. List your regrets
90. Talk to nonhumans
91. Replace a limb
92. Frighten your great-grandchildren
93. Spread your wisdom
94. Ensure your place in history
95. Escape from your retirement home
96. Spend whatever you have left
97. Uncover the meaning of life
98. Have a near-death experience
99. Live for the moment
100.Undergo cryogenic freezing

Sunday, April 13, 2008

A journey through Hell

Is not as bad as it sounds :) First some quotes:

"Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate" ("Abandon all hope, ye who enter here") Dante (over the gates to hell)

"Sheeps goes to heaven goats goes to Hell" Cake
"Gjeiter stanger, det er status" ("Goats butts, that gives status") Sindre (comment when me and Sigrid wanted goats on the roof on our cabin to grass there in the summer, I mean, how cool wouldn't that be?! )

Well, point is (or was or maybe should be?), in Hell there is a climbing crag, and Hell is a small town just outside Trondheim. And of course, the joke about hell and Hell just never gets old... Today I got my first, but definetly not last trip to Hell. The climbing is really cool, it is fun, hard, overhanging climbing. And also this is where some of the hardest climbs in Norway is. The only disapointing thing about Hell is that the havent used hell theme on all the names of the climbs. There is just so many possibilitys! "Highway to hell", "Hellish", "Helvis" and thats just a few that came up in the car on the way.

Eskil and Sindre admiring at some of the really hard climbs (like 9 and 10ish...) This is where the quote form Dante should be :)

Gaute at Hell home for the elderly (7-) which is a climb I have to lead clean before the summer, because Kristin climbs 7- in Hell, and then I have to too :) and Eskil leading Kaninartikler 7 (Rabbit articels. The name doesn't make sence in Norwegian either... :)

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Spring is in the air..

.. the snow is melting, it is perfect condition for both ski mountaineering and climbing, but there is to much stress at uni, with Experts in Team and Produkt design projekts due soon, to have much fun...

And it also meant that I had to change from winter to summer tyres on the car. I am normally pro equality between the sexes, but this is one of the few things I really would like to just be to girly to manage to do! Yes, I know, is good to be self suffisient and able to do it your self etc, but it is boring, dirty and annoying and I always mess it up. Like today, I got everything out and got started, but then I just can't get the first screw to loosen, and I'm swearing and almost trowing the tool at something. Then this old guy around my grandfather age who can barly walk comes by whatch me, and kindly tells me maybe I sould wait to jack up the car untill I have loosend the screws, because that way the tyre wont keep on turning... And then he jacks the car down and have no problems at all getting them loose!

Later, when I got the first tyre on, it turns out I did not learn my lesson. What happens if you uses all your powers to tighten the screws when the car is jacked up, is that the whole jack falls down, and so does the car, exactly like last time I changed tyres... Anyway, I did manage to change all 4 tyres, and thougth then maybe I should check the air pressure in them. So I go to the gas station and realizes that I actually have never done that before, but I think how hard can that be, I have 4 years of engineering education, I should be able to do this. So I try, but just cant see what the pressure is, and I keep on trying whitout any luck, so I go inside and ask what I do wrong and a guy comes with me to see. When he check the tyre it turns out that I in my trying have almost filled it so full of air that it exploded, and that seeing what the pressure is, was actually so easy that I didn't think of it... And I study mechanical engineeing... :)

Ski testing for Experts in Team in Granåsen. Stian is gliding, Steffen noting the results, Eirik is photographing and Håkon is encouraging :) Now the experiments are over (snow is melting...) and we just have the reports left....

Where I should spend my time.... (I should like Martine be working hard on for instance our produkt design project, in "The machine room" as our study area is called)

Where I would like to spend my time... Not nessesarily exactly here, but you get the point :) (This is Sindre, Mattias and Gaute boulerding in Korsvika, which is basically almost in the city)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

South Island just one more time :)

While ordering copies of my photos from NZ i realized I never really put out pics from the last South Island trip in November since I didn't get them before not long ago. And since my blog just wont be complete without here are a few (or as few as I managed...) :)

Ed resting in the cave in 1080 and the letter G (23), In my opinion the coolest climb ever! When I get good and go back to NZ I wanna climb it!

Kristin and Ingrid in Paynes Ford

Me doing Acid Test, swimming holes in Paynes

Ed at Bo Peep slab, Pohara

Jake, swimming hole Paynes

Greg, me and Ed, Pohara

Ed, Greg and Jake eating banans at Rawhide roof, Paynes Ford

Our favourite beach and camping at Wye Creek

Ingrid, me and Kristin at the top of a three pich climb in Wanaka

Jake and Ed knitting and croucheing, the Remarkables

Jake, Ed, Greg and me in the Remarkables

All geared up in the Remarkables

Greg, Jake and Ed in Wye Creek

Kristin on a project we girls had in Wye creek, a 21 roof climb, with the coolest heel hook you had to clip from! Ingrid got up, so me and Kristin have to go back!

Kristin in a stupid (!) 19 offwith, Ingrid on a 23 arete. Wye Creek

Knitting in headbangers arete (17)

The tombstone, Wanaka. Kristin on a nice 18 or 19 sport climb, me on the Crack (17) probably the nicest trad climb i've done, it even had a birds nest in the crack!

Greg in Charlston....

A rainy day was no prob with the yellow sub! Greg, Jake, me and Ed

Sharks Breakfast (18 two pich trad) Probably the scaryest thing I have ever done was seconding Jake on this one! The waves hit higher than where Jake is on this pic, and he got hit by a wave while belaying me. The pit underneath is called Pit of Doom...


To everyone mocking my pink drinking bottles, I'm not alone!! ;)

Go Hege!