Sunday, April 13, 2008

A journey through Hell

Is not as bad as it sounds :) First some quotes:

"Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate" ("Abandon all hope, ye who enter here") Dante (over the gates to hell)

"Sheeps goes to heaven goats goes to Hell" Cake
"Gjeiter stanger, det er status" ("Goats butts, that gives status") Sindre (comment when me and Sigrid wanted goats on the roof on our cabin to grass there in the summer, I mean, how cool wouldn't that be?! )

Well, point is (or was or maybe should be?), in Hell there is a climbing crag, and Hell is a small town just outside Trondheim. And of course, the joke about hell and Hell just never gets old... Today I got my first, but definetly not last trip to Hell. The climbing is really cool, it is fun, hard, overhanging climbing. And also this is where some of the hardest climbs in Norway is. The only disapointing thing about Hell is that the havent used hell theme on all the names of the climbs. There is just so many possibilitys! "Highway to hell", "Hellish", "Helvis" and thats just a few that came up in the car on the way.

Eskil and Sindre admiring at some of the really hard climbs (like 9 and 10ish...) This is where the quote form Dante should be :)

Gaute at Hell home for the elderly (7-) which is a climb I have to lead clean before the summer, because Kristin climbs 7- in Hell, and then I have to too :) and Eskil leading Kaninartikler 7 (Rabbit articels. The name doesn't make sence in Norwegian either... :)

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