Sunday, June 15, 2008

SINTEF party and Kongeveggen!

This friday SINTEF materials and chemistry had a summerparty and they where nice enought to invite us summerstudents. I have a lot of photos, but I dont think I should post them on my blog ;) Lets just say that even though you might think that a bunch of scientists and researchers would be boring and all talking about some wierd geeky subjects, they're not!

Saturday and Sunday was for climbing of course! :) We went to check out some crags we havent been to before, first a tiny crappy crag, Kongsvoll, far out on the coast, that had a nice view but wasnt worth the drive. And then we went to a awsome cool newly developed crag called Kongeveggen (the king wall) thats only a bit over an hour drive from Trondheim. It had really cool climbs, lot of sun and really nice for swimming! Quite perfect!

The view from Kongvoll. Beutifull norweagian coastline! :)

Kristina climbing and Eskil belaying in Kongvoll.

Kristina on Kongeveggen.

Eskil and me on Kongeveggen.

Siv, Petter and my fellow SINTEF summer student Anne Kjersti eating lunch.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Sunday, June 8, 2008

I do love summer!

Just have to tell that to the world! :) Life is not bad at all when the weater is unusually perfect (at least it was untill now:), exams are finished, and everything in general is good! The only boring thing with summer is that everybody is going home, and Trondheim is getting empty. Since 30 000 out of a population of 150 000 inhabitants are students, and then again most of these go home for summer, it is kind of is wierd to be left.

Lazy weekend. Me, Astrid and Maria spent saturday laying in sun outside where me and Astrid lives, and the longest I botherd to go was to run up to the estenstad lake and swim. And we desided it is a good sign when the hardes desition is if its to much bother to go and buy an icecream or not :)

Hege and Mette, BBQ and wine in the park by uni
Life is good!!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

It's summer!

First: To my dear tiny little perfectionistic Hege who mix up friction and frequence and who have spilled water on her keyboard so she can't post blog posts herself:

"No one ever grows up in Florida! well, unless you're an orange..."

Second: I have finished all my exams and have now 80% of a master in technology (!! And I have stated working at SINTEF, which means I have moved 2 floors up from 4th years study area and do about the same as during the semester... I have also finally found out what SINTEF means, which is good since I work there :) It is the Foundation (S) for Industrial (IN) and Technological (TE) Reasearch (F). And I work at the department for applied mechanics and corrosion. Its nice work and like my collegues, basically I have just started on my 5th year project and thesis. And the best thing is to be able to go home at 4 and be finished, climb, run, do something fun, basically no exams to worry about! And to this I must mention, I have only 2 exams left! EVER! :D I love summer!