Saturday, June 7, 2008

It's summer!

First: To my dear tiny little perfectionistic Hege who mix up friction and frequence and who have spilled water on her keyboard so she can't post blog posts herself:

"No one ever grows up in Florida! well, unless you're an orange..."

Second: I have finished all my exams and have now 80% of a master in technology (!! And I have stated working at SINTEF, which means I have moved 2 floors up from 4th years study area and do about the same as during the semester... I have also finally found out what SINTEF means, which is good since I work there :) It is the Foundation (S) for Industrial (IN) and Technological (TE) Reasearch (F). And I work at the department for applied mechanics and corrosion. Its nice work and like my collegues, basically I have just started on my 5th year project and thesis. And the best thing is to be able to go home at 4 and be finished, climb, run, do something fun, basically no exams to worry about! And to this I must mention, I have only 2 exams left! EVER! :D I love summer!

1 comment:

  1. Det er bra du har en liten perfeksjonist som husker å ta med våtservietter og lignende når det er grilling i parken ;) Og friksjon og frekvens...jaja (er vel på sånn Byholt-nivå ;)haha!
