Last week me and Martin visited Sigrid and Sindre in Switzerland. Also Eskild was visiting at the same time. Lot of fun, its still a beautiful country! We got time to ski a bit, boulder a little and visit my host family and some friends from my exchange year in high school. First day we went to Arosa, nice skiing, bad weather.. Second day, me, Sigrid and Martin went ski touring with Fabienne and some of her friends.
Fabienne and some swiss mountains.
Martin, lots of mountains and snow. So much snow actually, that the tour got a bit shorter than planned. But still fun!
The day after that we went to Tessin to boulder a little. We got a lot of time on swiss trains, here illustrated by Eskild, and a few early morings at Zürich main station. (sunday moring around 7 there is lot of people with skis and snowboards there).
Eskild telling what he just did.
Me having trouble getting of the ground....
After a day hanging in Zürich checking out the sport shops and indoor climbing there, me and Martin went to Zermatt while Esklid took of in the direction of Sardinia to climb. First day was snow and mist... Here should it be a beautiful view....
Me and Matterhorn! Second day in Zermatt
Great English translation on the train to the top. Me and Martin has a competition who will first manage to publish a paper with a sentece with "In the view of the possibility.."
Inga Pudderludder in Zermatt :)
On the top of Kleinmatterhorn, 3840 m (i think..)
Zermatt do not allow cars up, however they have these cute little taxies and busses looking like Postman Pat cars :) And all have ski holders, and so does all the bikes we saw.
The castle in Lenzburg, where my host family from I was in exchange in high school lives.
Look, a castle!
Me and my host sister Franciska.
Martin fixing my host mothers lamp :)
Me and my friend Marketa from I was in exchange. Really cool to see her again too!
Me and little sister Sigrid, ski tour last Sunday.
Fabienne and me on the top. Notice my cool goggles! I stole them from Martin who had them as a child in the 80 :) I think they look way cooler on me!