Wednesday, May 27, 2009

12 days left of my master

  • Empty frigde
  • Kristin makes pizza with pesto, carrots and broccoli (=what was left in the frigde. its delicious!)
  • My caffeine tolerance is unnaturally high.
  • I dream about my simulations
  • Our flat looks like cracp
  • I've eaten dinner at uni almost every day
  • I consider the bad weather good, because then it's nice inside in front of my laptop
  • Visit,, facebook and my email probably 20 times a day, for about 10 sek each time. (I get bored, and a soon as I click into a page I get stressed because I should work, and I log out, and repeat)

But soon is it summer and i will be graduated as a master! :D


  1. Verstehe! Habe gerade gestern meine Bachelorprüfung abgelegt. Viel Glück!:-)
    Dini Marketa

  2. Joda, godt å høre at du er i live i hvert fall! Takk for at jeg fikk bo hos deg forrige uke forresten!
