Thursday, September 27, 2007

About living with a managment major

Quite often people get really into what they are studying or working with. I am like that myself, just check my poem futher down on my blog that me and my friend Thale wrote in firsth year, studying intensly for math exam. For those of you who dont understand norwegian, all you need to know is that its really geeky...

Anyway, I have never really seen that it can by just as bad with people studying a lot less geeky things than engineering. But from living with Lisa, who are dooing post graduate marketing and managment, I have learned that geeks comes in many forms and variations! Earlier today I was trying to decide where to fly on the South Island after the semester, and I asked Lisa for advice. The answer I got was: "I have no idea, but I DO have a GREAT book on decition making in my room if you want to borrow?" Which is not really surpricing since Lisa litterary have stacks of books in her room, more of them and up to a meter tall. (not kidding!)

But books don't necsesarely make you geeky I found out a bit later in the evening when we where both sitting in the coach, me studying statistics and Lisa reading a book called "How to get what you want, and how to want what you have" for her Personal development paper. And since statistics is by definition boring, Lisa entertained me by reading from her book: "With the dawning of the inner light of self-love, your journey trough darkness is over..." The same book also talked about the 10 love vitamins, and about how to meditate by repeating to your self "Oh, god! Pleace come and sit in my heart!" (sit??:) Well, at least it still seems more interesting than reading about confidence intervals!


  1. Statistics boring? What do you mean? I don't understand...

    You mustn've heard of Chebyshev and his inequality which says thatif X is a random variable with standard deviation σ, the probability that the outcome of X is no less than aσ away from its mean is no more than 1/a2! Isn't that amazing!?!?

  2. Just so amazing that i almost fall asleep reading your comment... I thought there was a reason you dropped statistics and started women studies instead?? :P

  3. Inga! Jeg synes faktisk statistikk er litt morsomt jeg! (trodde virkelig ikke du skulle skuffe meg og ikke like det..!)
    Tror jeg har blitt mer nerd etter at du dro, så nå er det på tide at du snart kommer hjem og holder meg med selskap!! Er du med på å ta aerodynamikk neste år? Jeg savner deg i Trondheim!
    Klem fra Line
