Waffels, "boller" and "gløgg" in my mums flat. Kristin, Karianne, Line and Katja
Cross country skiing with little sis (it's 3 pm! I kind of struggels with the darkness...)
Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with eager feet, Until it joins some larger way, Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say.
Waffels, "boller" and "gløgg" in my mums flat. Kristin, Karianne, Line and Katja
Cross country skiing with little sis (it's 3 pm! I kind of struggels with the darkness...)
Jake resting in the cave on 1080 and the letter G (23)
An excellent cliff is the Wall of Thugs;
Don’t expect to find many jugs
Adrift in a sea of slopes,
Your climbing will be franatic gropes,
You’ll be pumped out of your brain,
Before you finally reach the chain.
If you like climbing on rock that’s steep,
Then head to Pohara and Bo-Peep,
Despite appearances, the rock is sound
Better climbing can hardly be found.
Jake on Why not? (26) on Bo-Peep slab(!!!)
At the end of a long hard day,
No more climbing, you want to play,
To the swimming hole you ought to run,
To go for a swim or lie in the sun,
The perfect way,
To end the day,
Of excellent climbing,
In Golden Bay
Group photo: Me, Ingrid (cool norwegian), Jake (annoying american 1), Ed (true kiwi), Greg (Annoying american 2), Kristin (cool norwegian)