My time with Vibeke is now over :( Sad but true.... We finished with some awsome days in Paynes Ford (North in South Island, NZ). No more Wicked Van, no more oat meal and coffe together every morning, no more gossiping about everyone else in norwegian... I still have one and a half week of traveling left, but I am going to sum up the trip so far now I think (I still have some hours till my plane leaves to go to Auckland)
Climb 1080 and the letter G - no... (its a sign I have to go back one day!)
Stop drinking so much coffe - no... (I just made Vibeke drink coffe too... It seems like there is no hope for me on this point...)
Climb a lot - check :)
Other things accomplished:
Meet a LOT of really cool people!!
Realized I really love traveling and that there still is way to many places I have to go.
Started missing home a bit.
Taken some really big falls.
Quotes and words learned:
Answer to the question where are you from then?: "I'm from the moment now"
Capacetic (one of my favourits!)
Cattie wombised
And some more
I think I'll catch my plane now so I get to visit my old flatmate Lisa in Auckland, and say hi to the other cool people there, and rather continue this summing up the trip later :)
Takaka Hills from Paynes
Vibeke climbing in Paynes
One day mountain biking in Takaka Hills, awsome experience! We did the Kildevil track, who might have been a bit to hard, at least for me (our ambition level and ability level doesn't always coincide and do sometimes result in this), but was way fun anyway! Switchbacks are not my biggest strength it seems like :)
Top of Kildevil track